Internet Object

Explore the Key Differences: Understanding the distinct features and benefits of Internet Object compared to JSON.

Datasize Comparision with JSON (Lower is Better) Github Github
With Schema 671 887
No Schema 495 887
With Schema - 100R 51038 89963
No Schema - 100R 50862 89963
Internet Object



Dive into the nuances that set them apart and discover how Internet Object enhances text based data serialization and structured storage!


IO employs a well-designed, document-oriented format with a clear separation between header and data sections. It also supports multiple data sections for separate schema enforcement, facilitating more organized and modular data management.

JSON adopts an object-oriented format without native support for header and data section separation, potentially complicating data organization and manipulation in complex applications.


IO is designed to be thin and non-verbose, providing a significant reduction in data size. A non-minified version of IO can be about 40-50% smaller than a minified JSON, offering substantial benefits in terms of efficiency and speed, especially over network transmissions.

JSON is more verbose, with each data record repeating the same keys (e.g., username, firstName, lastName), which can lead to increased data size and slower processing times, particularly when dealing with large datasets.


IO inherently supports a schema-first approach, boasting an easy-to-define and human-friendly schema language. It accommodates both in-document and out-of-document schemas, enhancing data integrity and validation without necessitating external libraries.

JSON, on the other hand, lacks built-in schema support. Implementing schemas in JSON requires separate libraries, such as JSON Schema, which can be verbose and cumbersome to manage alongside the data it describes.

#Multiple String Types

IO distinguishes itself by supporting multiple string types, including open strings, regular strings (enclosed in single or double quotes), and raw strings (which do not escape characters, useful for complex patterns like regular expressions). It also has built-in support for multiline strings.

JSON's string handling is simpler, with no explicit support for multiline or raw string formats, limiting its flexibility in representing complex text data.

#Multiple Number Types

IO stands out with its support for numbers in various formats, including Decimal, Binary, Hex, and Octal, catering to a wider range of numerical data representations.

JSON's is limited to Decimal Numbers, which may restrict its use in contexts where other numerical formats are prevalent.


IO has built-in support for an ISO 8601-like format for date and time, allowing automatic conversion to and from native date objects during serialization and deserialization.

JSON inherently does not support date objects. While some parsers convert dates to ISO 8601 strings during serialization, they do not automatically revert to date objects upon deserialization.

#Binary Data

IO includes built-in support for base64-encoded binary data, with parsers responsible for the seamless serialization and deserialization to and from language-native byte arrays.

JSON base64 strings can be used to represent binary data, they are treated as strings rather than binary bytes, necessitating additional handling for binary data.


IO inherently supports comments within its structure, facilitating documentation and annotation directly alongside the data.

JSON does not support comments by default, which can hinder documentation and clarity within JSON files.

#Streaming Friendly

IO The structure of IO data is inherently streaming-friendly, designed so that objects are independent of each other, allowing for more efficient loading and processing in streaming contexts.

JSON does not inherently support streaming, which can complicate the handling of large datasets in streaming contexts.

#Additional Features

IO includes support for special values such as Inf, -Inf, and NaN, accommodating a broader range of numerical data beyond finite numbers.

JSON lacks native support for infinity or NaN values, which can limit its applicability in scientific computing or other domains requiring these special values.

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